My quest for fatherhood started with the simple goal to be better than my dad. Then I found out that my dad was freakin’ great and I still learn from him – and my kids – every day. I’m not the best father in the world but I want you to learn from my mistakes and become the best father you can be.
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The Fantastically Boring Black Male
My wife and I were watching television yesterday and I wasn’t on it. I watched TV the day before that and the week before that and I wasn’t on then either. Come to think of it, I have never seen myself on television or really anything like me. …My problem isn’t that I’m not on television. My problem is that I’m average and I’m not on television. Let me explain.
Who is Philip Page, Jr.
I hope that the messages posted here are a blessing to you. Of course, before you invest the time to read what […]